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NEW  YORK,3t  ^  jfc  ofc  jt 



Ifort  Hmsteti^am 

in  the  Ba^s  of  the  2)utcb 

^       ^     WILL  BE  RECEIVED 


price  Zen  Cents 
®ne  2)ollar  a  l?eat 


Boarding  and  Day  School  for  Girls 

preparatory,  acaOemic,  anD 
Collegespreparatorg  Courses 

No  more  than  eight  pupils  constitute  any  class 

6  WEST  48th  STREET,  with  Annex 



College  preparation 

160  AND  162  WEST  74th  STREET 


^         BoarMng  ant>  Da^  Scbool 
^^  tor  6irls 

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NEW  YORK  CITY    <    <    <    < 

Kindergarten,  Through  College  Preparatory 
Home  and  Chaperonage 

BoarMna  an&  ©a^  Scbool  tor  6irls 

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Ube  'Btnichecbocliet:  prees,  V.v«f  ]|?orb 


Half  Moon  Series 

Published  in  the  Interest  of  the  New  York 
City  History  Club. 

Volume  I.     Number  VIII. 



By  maud   wilder  GOODWIN. 

IN  the  autumn  of  1626,  the  good  ship  Arms 
of  Amsterdam  sailed  away  to  Holland 
bearing  tidings  of  the  tiny  Dutch  colony  at 
the  "Manhattes,"  which  it  left  in  a  thriving 
condition.  The  report,  forwarded  to  the 
West  India  Company,  pictured  the  settlers  as 
already  making  comfortable  dwellings  for 
themselves.  Thirty  log-houses,  with  roofs 
made  from  the  bark  of  trees,  huddled  close  to- 
gether at  the  end  of  the  island.  The  counting- 
house  boasted  walls  of  stone  and  a  thafched 
roof,  and  Francois  Molemaecker  was  building 
a  mill  with  two  stories,  of  which  the  upper 
one  was  to  form  a  spacious  room  large  enough 
to  serve  as  a  meeting-place  for  almost  the  en- 
tire colony,  and  the  mill  was  to  be  still  further 

Copyright,  1897,  by  Maud  Wilder  Goodwin. 






fovt  Hmster^am 


of  Jfort 


adorned  by  a  tower  wherein  should  be  hung 
bells  brought  hither  from  Porto  Rico. 

In  those  days  no  settlement  was  complete 
without  a  fortification,  and  the  first  care  of  the 
colonists  was  to  build  a  fort  which  should 
prove  both  a  protection  and  a  refuge  from 
their  enemies.  As  they  had  paid  the  natives 
for  their  land,  it  was  not  so  much  the  Indians 
whom  they  feared,  as  other  Europeans,  covet- 
ous, like  themselves,  of  possessions  in  the 
New  World. 

After  much  discussion  as  to  the  position  of 
this  fort,  the  settlers  finally  decided  to  place 
it  boldly  at  the  very  point  of  the  island  where 
their  flag  of  orange  and  blue  might  wave  defi- 
ance to  any  alien  vessel  seeking  to  penetrate 
Hudson's  River,  or  any  adventurer  aiming  to 
appropriate  the  territory  of  the  Dutch  West 
India  Company. 

The  green-turfed  land  which  forms  the  end 
of  Manhattan  Island  to-day  was  then  under 
water  at  high  tide,  and  the  Capske,  a  sharp 
ledge  of  rock  dividing  the  North  and  East 
rivers,  terminated  a  little  south  of  State  Street. 
On  the  slope  of  land  to  the  north  of  this,  the 
site  of  the  fort  was  laid  on  the  ground  now 
marked  by  a  row  of  steamship  offices  at  the 
foot  of  Bowling  Green. 

The  engineer  who  superintended  the  build- 
ing of  this  early  fortification  was  named  Kryn 
Fredericksen.      He  found  material  scarce,  and 

ifort  Hmster&am 


labor  in  such  demand  for  house-building,  that 
he  could  plan  only  for  a  blockhouse,  encircled 
by  palisadoes  built  of  red  cedar,  and  sodded 

While  this  rude  structure  was  in  process  of 
erection,  an  episode  having  serious  conse- 
quences occurred.  A  friendly  Indian  of  the 
Weckquaeskeeck  tribe,  who  inhabited  what 
is  now  Westchester  County,  came  with  his 
nephew  to  trade  at  the  Dutch  village.  Three 
servants  belonging  to  Peter  Minuit,  then 
Director  of  the  colony,  fell  upon  the  Indian, 
robbed  him  of  his  wares  and  finally  murdered 
him.  The  nephew  escaped,  and  returned  to 
his  tribe  vowing  vengeance,  which  he  wreaked 
to  his  full  satisfaction  nearly  twenty  years  later. 

Except  for  this  ominous  episode,  the  up- 
building of  the  little  town  went  forward  pros- 
perously. The  new  fortification  was  completed 
and  christened  Fort  Amsterdam  and  the  ham- 
let nestling  under  its  protection  was  declared 
the  capital  of  New  Netherland. 

The  relations  between  the  Dutch  settlers 
and  their  colonial  neighbors  were  now,  as 
always,  uncertain,  and  ready  at  any  time  on 
slight  provocation  to  break  out  into  open  war- 
fare. In  1627,  there  was  some  threat  of  diffi- 
culty with  the  English  concerning  the  right  of 
trading  with  the  Indians  ;  but  it  ended  ami- 
cably. Governor  Bradford  of  Massachusetts 
received  from  Director  Minuit  of  New  Nether- 


bouse  3Built 


3Fort  Hmstert>am 

Ubreat  of 


wttb  tbe 



land  "a  rundlet  of  sugar  and  two  Holland 
cheese,"  and  the  nations  whom  the  governors 
represented  continued  at  peace.  This  experi- 
ence, however,  impressed  upon  the  settlers 
at  New  Amsterdam  the  necessity  of  strength- 
ening the  very  primitive  defences  which  were 
their  only  reliance  in  case  of  war,  and,  ac- 
cordingly, in  the  year  1633,  Wouter  van 
Twiller,  who  had  succeeded  Minuit  as  Di- 
rector, ordered  the  construction  of  a  fort  more 
nearly  adequate  to  the  needs  of  the  settlers. 

So  substantial  was  this  fort  that  two  years 
passed  before  its  completion.  Its  shape  was 
a  quadrangle  with  a  bastion  at  each  corner. 
The  northwest  bastion  was  faced  with  "good 
quarry  stone,"  and  the  earthworks  were  thor- 
oughly repaired  by  negroes  in  the  employ  of 
the  Dutch  West  India  Company,  under  the 
superintendence  of  Jacob  Stoffelsen. 

Within  the  enclosure  stood  three  wind- 
mills, a  guardhouse  and  barracks,  besides  the 
"big  house "  built  by  Van  Twiller  for  his  own 
occupancy.  The  fort  itself  was  not  very  ex- 
tensive according  to  modern  ideas.  It  meas- 
ured only  some  three  hundred  feet  in  length 
by  two  hundred  and  fifty  in  breadth,  yet  the 
cost  of  completing  it  (including  probably  the 
buildings  within)  was  4172  guilders,  or  be- 
tween sixteen  and  seventeen  hundred  dollars. 
One  of  the  buildings  in  the  enclosure  soon 
came  to   an   untimely  end.     A   man  named 

3fort  HmsterDam 


Van  Vorst  undertook  to  fire  a  salute  in  honor 
of  the  Director-General  from  a  stone  gun 
which  stood  near  the  house.  A  spark  from 
the  wadding  lodged  on  the  roof,  which,  being 
covered  with  reed,  caught  fire  at  once,  and 
the  whole  building  was  destroyed  in  less  than 
half  an  hour. 

The  old  fort  witnessed  scenes  of  jollity  in 
those  early  days.  On  one  occasion,  the  first 
gunner  held  a  festivity  at  one  of  the  angles  of 
the  fort,  where  a  tent  had  been  erected  and 
tables  set  out.  In  the  midst  of  the  feasting,  a 
trumpeter  blew  a  sudden  blast  upon  his 
trumpet,  much  to  the  alarm  of  the  revellers. 
The  Coopman  of  Cargoes  and  the  Coopman 
of  Stores '  were  so  wrathful,  that,  they  called 
the  trumpeter  hard  names,  and  he  in  return 
administered  to  each  a  sound  thrashing,  which 
put  an  end  to  the  merry  evening. 

Van  Twiller's  control  over  the  colony 
lasted  only  a  short  time  after  the  completion 
of  the  fort.  In  March,  1638,  Kieft  arrived  to 
take  the  reins  of  government  from  his  hand. 
Kieft  found  the  defences  in  a  ruinous  state. 
The  fort,  finished  only  three  years  before,  was 
in  a  shameful  condition  of  disrepair ;  the 
guns  dismounted,  the  public  buildings  within 
the  walls  in  ruins.  Of  the  three  windmills 
only  one  was  in  operation,  and  the  walls  of 

'  "  Coopman  of  Cargoes  "  i.e.,  supercargo  of  a  ship,  and 
"  Coopman  of  Stores"  store-keeper. 

Brrival  of 


ifort  Hmster&am 



the  fort  were  so  beaten  down  that  any  might 
come  in  or  go  out  at  their  will  "save  at  the 
stone  point." 

This  state  of  things  was  the  more  unfortun- 
ate inasmuch  as  Director  Kieft's  injudicious 
belligerency  soon  plunged  the  colony  into  a 
series  of  quarrels  with  the  natives.  Under 
orders  from  Holland,  as  he  declared,  Kieft 
undertook  to  lay  a  tax  upon  the  Indians,  who 
expressed  their  wrath  in  vehement  protest 
against  "the  Sakema  of  the  Fort."  He  was 
but  a  mean  fellow,  they  declared.  He  had  not 
invited  them  to  come  and  live  here  that  he 
should  now  lay  claim  to  the  corn  which  they 
had  planted. 

So  violent  did  this  feeling  become  that  Kieft 
found  it  necessary  to  order  every  inhabitant  to 
provide  himself  with  a  gun,  and  warned  the  set- 
tlers that,  in  case  of  a  night  attack,  at  a  precon- 
certed signal  of  three  cannon  shots  they  were 
to  appear  armed  at  the  fort  in  military  order. 

The  position  of  the  settlers  on  outlying 
"bouweries"  grew  more  and  more  perilous. 
Massacres  were  reported  from  Staten  Island, 
massacres  often  too  cruelly  avenged  by  the 
Dutch,  who  grew  more  and  more  blood-thirsty 
and  greedy  for  plunder.  One  day  in  the 
summer  of  1641,  word  was  brought  to  the 
fort  of  the  murder  of  Claes,  "the  Raadmaker" 
(in  English,  wheelwright)  living  on  the  west 
shore  of  the  river.     The  old  man,  so  the  story 

jfort  Bmster^am 


ran,  had  received  a  visit  from  a  young  Indian, 
who  had  been  in  the  habit  of  working  for  the 
son  of  Claes  and  who  came  to  the  house 
professedly  to  purchase  cloth.  Claes  hospit- 
ably set  food  before  him  and  then  went  to 
a  chest,  wherein  the  cloth  was  kept.  As  the 
Raadmaker  stooped,  the  savage  struck  him 
dead  with  an  axe. 

This  story  naturally  filled  the  settlers  with 
horror,  nor  was  their  rage  diminished  by  learn- 
ing that  the  murderer  was  no  other  than  the 
nephew  of  the  Weckquaeskeeck  Indian,  who 
had  met  with  foul  play  at  the  hands  of 
Director  Minuit's  servants  twenty  years  before. 
On  receiving  the  news  of  the  Raadmaker's 
murder,  Kieft  sent  at  once  to  the  Chief  of  the 
Weckquaeskeeck  tribe  demanding  the  surren- 
der of  the  murderer  ;  but  the  Sachem 
haughtily  replied  that  he  wished  the  young 
warrior  had  slain  twenty  Christians  instead  of 
one  and  that  he  had  justly  carried  out  the 
traditions  of  his  race  in  avenging  the  murder 
of  his  relative.  This  answer  roused  the 
Director  to  a  state  of  frenzy.  He  determined 
to  call  a  council  of  war  to  authorize  him  in 
proceeding  against  the  contumacious  Indians. 
On  the  28th  day  of  August,  1641^  accordingly, 
all  the  masters  and  heads  of  families  dwelling 
in  or  near  New  Amsterdam  assembled  in  the 
fort  to  consider  the  question  of  the  punish- 
ment of  the  Weckquaeskeecks. 

il^ur^er  of 

tbe  1Raa9s 




jfoct  Hmstert)am 


Httempt  at 





This  gathering  was  noteworthy  as  the  first 
effort  at  popular  government  in  the  colony 
and  the  burghers  shrewdly  made  the  most  of 
it  by  appointing  a  committee  of  the  Twelve 
Men  to  co-operate  with  the  Director.  Kieft 
himself  began  to  realize  that  he  had  raised 
spirits  which  he  could  not  lay,  and  bitterly  re- 
sented the  restrictions  which  the  Twelve 
Men  sought  to  lay  upon  his  impetuosity.  He 
desired  to  attack  the  Indians  at  once  ;  but 
the  Twelve  counselled  delay  and  the  popu- 
lar will  so  enforced  their  authority,  that  Kieft 
was  compelled  to  yield  to  their  judgment  and 
to  postpone  action. 

It  would  have  seemed  natural,  that  this  pe- 
riod of  delay  should  be  spent  in  preparation 
for  the  strife  to  come,  in  strengthening  the  de- 
fences and  arming  the  outposts  ;  but,  instead, 
Kieft  began  the  erection  of  a  series  of  elabor- 
ate, expensive  and  comparatively  unneccessary 
buildings  inside  the  fortification,  and  spent 
upon  them  the  money  which  should  have 
been  laid  out  upon  stout  masonry  and  iron 
guns.  Besides  the  fine,  stone  tavern  erected 
among  the  thatched-roofed,  wooden-chim- 
neyed cottages  huddling  about  Fort  Amster- 
dam, within  the  walls  of  the  fort  rose  still 
more  substantial  buildings.  The  most  im- 
posing of  these  was  the  new  church,  which 
owed  its  origin,  it  is  to  be  feared,  less  to  piety 
than  to  vanity,  since,  until  the  taunts  of  De 

jfort  HmsterDam 


Vries  called  attention  to  "the  mean  barn" 
which  was  all  that  the  dwellers  in  New  Am- 
sterdam had  to  show  in  contrast  with  the  well- 
ordered  meeting-houses  of  New  England,  the 
old  chapel  in  the  village  had  been  deemed  suf- 
ficient by  the  worshippers  of  the  little  colony. 
Now,  however,  it  was  determined  to  erect  a  fine 
church,  which  should  be  a  credit  to  the  whole 
province  of  New  Netherland,  the  expense  of  the 
building  to  be  borne  partly  by  the  West  India 
Company  and  partly  by  private  subscriptions. 
A  contract,  "done  at  Fort  Amsterdam,"  and 
dated  May,  1642,  sets  forth  the  agreement  be- 
tween William  Kieft,  church-warden  and  John 
and  Richard  Ogden,  by  which  the  Ogdens 
bind  themselves  to  build  a  church  seventy-two 
feet  long,  fifty-two  broad  and  sixteen  feet  high 
above  the  soil,  for  the  sum  of  2500  guilders 
equal  to  about  $1000,  the  price  to  be  paid  in 
beaver,  or  other  merchandise.  It  is  stipulated 
that  the  contractors  shall  procure  the  stone 
and  bring  it  ashore  near  the  fort,  for  which 
purpose  they  shall  be  allowed  the  use  of  the 
Company's  boat  for  a  month  or  six  weeks. 
The  church-wardens  agree  to  convey  the 
stone  from  the  shore  to  the  fort,  and  to  fur- 
nish the  lime  with  which  to  lay  it.  If  the 
work  is  done  "in  a  workmanlike  manner" 
and  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  employers,  the 
contractors  are  to  receive  a  bonus  of  an  ad- 
ditional hundred  guilders. 


a  Cburcb 


jfort  Hmster^am 




There  were  not  wanting  carping  critics  who 
spoke  of  the  kerck  as  "the  fifth  wheel  to  a 
coache,"  objected  to  such  a  use  of  money, 
and  even  doubted  the  wisdom  of  building  a 
new  church  at  all,  especially  in  the  fort  where, 
as  they  pointed  out,  it  occupied  a  quarter  of 
all  available  space  and,  moreover,  by  its  lo- 
cation would  necessarily  shut  off  the  southeast 
wind  from  the  gristmill  on  which  the  settlers 
depended  for  grinding  their  corn. 

Director  Kieft  and  Dominie  Bogardus  proved 
too  strong  for  the  objectors,  however,  and  the 
church  finally  raised  its  steep  double-pointed 
roof  above  the  walls  of  the  fort.  That  the 
building  might  preserve  his  own  memory,  as 
well  as  testify  to  the  glory  of  God,  the  Di- 
rector caused  to  be  inserted  in  the  front  a 
tablet  bearing  the  inscription  : 

"An.  Dom—MDCXLII 

"  Willem  Kieft,  Directeur  Generael 

"  Heeft  De  Gemeente  Desen  Tempel  Doen 

Bouwen." ' 

A  century  later  the  church  was  burned  and 
the  slab  buried  in  dirt,  whence  it  was  dug  up 
when  the  fort  itself  was  demolished  in  1789. 
The  slab  was  removed  for  safe-keeping  to  the 
Dutch  church  in  Garden  Street;  but  on  the  de- 

•  "An  Dom — 1642 
[When]  Willem  Kieft  was  Director-General 
The  Congregation  built  this  temple." 

jfort  HmsterOam 


struction  of  that  building  by  fire,  the  slab 
commemorating  Kieft  and  his  greatness  dis- 
appeared forever. 

Besides  the  ground  given  up  to  the  new 
church  the  space  in  the  fort  was  further  en- 
croached upon  by  other  buildings  civic  and 
domestic  rather  than  military  in  character. 
The  quaint  windmill,  with  its  long  arms  and 
revolving  tower,  occupied  one  corner,  and 
near  the  Gevangen  Huys  or  jail,  stood  the 
Governor's  house,  which  for  that  day  was  an 
elaborate  and  elegant  mansion,  having  an 
"entry"  twenty  feet  wide,  and  a  double- 
faced  chimney  to  keep  it  warm.  It  was  sur- 
rounded by  walks  measuring  ten  feet  in  width, 
and  altogether  must  have  required  much 
money  and  labor  to  equip  and  maintain.  It 
is  not  strange  that  there  should  have  been 
some  murmuring  among  the  thrifty  burghers 
over  such  expenditures,  especially  at  this 
crisis  when  matters  were  growing  daily  more 
threatening,  and  the  settlers  dared  scarcely 
stir  abroad  for  fear  of  savages. 

The  conduct  of  the  colonists  in  general  and 
the  Director  in  particular  was  marked  at  this 
time  by  a  mixture  of  ferocity  and  cowardice. 
A  large  number  of  Weckquaeskeeck  Indians 
were  massacred  in  cold  blood  by  the  Dutch, 
after  they  had  sued  for  peace  and  sought 
shelter  in  the  fort  from  their  powerful  enemy, 
the  Mohawks.     Other  tribes  had  been  treated 

(n  tbe  iFort 



jfort  HmsterDam 





with  equally  brutal  disregard  of  both  principle 
and  policy,  till,  at  last,  in  1643,  the  settlers 
found  themselves  by  their  own  folly  involved  in 
a  general  Indian  warfare.  The  only  hope  of  the 
colony  on  Manhattan  Island  now  lay  in  the 
protection  afforded  by  Fort  Amsterdam,  and 
its  inadequacy  was  painfully  apparent.  A 
Jesuit  priest  who  travelled  through  New 
Netherland  at  this  time,  writes  thus  of  its 
condition  : 

"This  fort  which  is  at  the  point  of  the  island,  is  called 
Fort  Amsterdam.  It  has  four  regular  bastions  mounted  with 
several  pieces  of  artillery.  All  these  bastions  and  curtains 
were  in  1643  ^"t  ramparts  of  earth  most  of  which  had 
crumbled  away  so  that  the  fort  could  be  entered  on  all 
sides.  There  were  no  ditches.  There  were  sixty  soldiers 
to  garrison  the  said  fort  and  another  which  they  had  built 
still  farther  up  against  the  incursions  of  the  savages,  their 
enemies.  They  were  beginning  to  face  the  gates  and 
bastions  with  stone." 

In  October,  1643,  the  Eight  Men  who  had 
succeeded  the  Twelve  as  representatives  of 
the  colony,  wrote  home  to  the  "Honorable, 
Wise,  Prudent  Gentlemen  of  the  XIX.  of 
the  General  Incorporated  West  India  Com- 
pany, Department  of  Amsterdam,"  com- 
plaining bitterly  of  the  harrying  they  were 
undergoing  at  the  hands  of  the  allied  Indians, 
who  having  sent  their  old  men,  women  and 
children  into  the  interior,  were  in  excellent 
fighting  condition.  "The  most  expert  war- 
riors," the  complaint   says,   "hang  daily  on 

jfort  BmsterDam 


our  necks  with  fire  and  sword,  and  threaten 
to  attack  the  fort  with  all  their  force  of  about 
fifteen  hundred  men.  This  we  hourly  expect." 
The  only  place  of  shelter  the  letter  declares  to 
be  Fort  Amsterdam,  and  this  so  poorly  sup- 
plied with  men  and  ammunition  as  to  be 
nearly  useless.  "The  fort  is  defenceless  and 
entirely  out  of  order,  and  resembles  (with  sub- 
mission) rather  a  molehill  than  a  fort  against 
an  enemy." 

The  colonists  must  now  have  bitterly  re- 
gretted the  eight  thousand  guilders  which,  as 
we  learn  from  later  records,  proved  the 
actual  cost  of  the  fine  new  church,  a  sum 
which  might  well  have  fitted  out  a  stout  de- 
fence around  the  little  colony.  Feeling  had 
already  begun  to  run  high  against  Kieft  and 
his  mismanagement  ;  but  for  the  present  no 
one  had  any  thought  except  for  immediate 
defence  against  the  enemy.  Fearing  that  their 
appeal  to  the  West  India  Company  might 
prove  insufficient,  the  Eight  Men  ten  days 
later  sent  a  still  more  pressing  letter  addressed 
this  time  to  the  "Noble,  High  and  Mighty 
Lords,  the  Noble  Lords,  the  States-General 
of  the  United  Netherlands  Provinces."  This 
appeal  sets  forth  that 

"we  poor  inhabitants  of  New  Netherland  were  here  in  the 
spring  pursued  by  these  wild  Heathen  and  barbarous  Savages 
with  fire  and  sword.  Daily  in  our  houses  and  fields  have 
they  cruelly  murdered  men  and  women,  and  with  hatchets 

Xettet  of 

tbe  £fgbt 




fovt  HmsterOam 

of  Coloa 



and  tomahawks  struck  little  children  dead  in  their  parents' 
arms,  or  before  their  doors,  or  carried  them  away  into  bond- 
age. The  houses  and  grain  barracks  are  burnt  with  the 
produce  ;  cattle  of  all  description  are  slain  and  destroyed, 
and  such  as  remain  must  perish  this  approaching  winter  for 
the  want  of  fodder.  Almost  every  place  is  abandoned.  We, 
wretched  people,  must  skulk  with  wives  and  little  ones  that 
still  survive  in  poverty  together  in  and  around  the  fort  at  the 
Manahates  where  we  are  not  safe  even  for  an  hour  ;  whilst 
the  Indians  daily  threaten  to  overwhelm  us  with  it.  Very 
little  can  be  planted  this  autumn  and  much  less  in  the  spring  ; 
so  that  it  will  come  to  pass  that  all  of  us  who  will  yet  save 
our  lives  must  of  necessity  perish  next  year  of  hunger  and 
sorrow  with  our  wives  and  children  unless  our  God  have 
pity  on  us. 

"  We  are  all  here,  from  the  smallest  to  the  greatest,  de- 
void of  counsel  and  means,  wholly  powerless.  The  enemy 
meets  with  scarce  any  resistance.  The  garrison  consists  of 
but  fifty  to  sixty  soldiers  unprovided  with  ammunition. 
Fort  Amsterdam,  utterly  defenceless,  stands  open  to  the 
enemy  day  and  night. 

"  The  Company  have  few  or  no  effects  here  (as  the  Di- 
rector has  informed  us).  Were  it  not  for  this,  there  would 
have  been  still  time  to  receive  assistance  fi^om  the  English  at 
the  East  ere  all  had  gone  to  ruin  ;  and  we  wretched  settlers, 
whilst  we  must  abandon  all  our  substance  are  exceedingly 

"  These  heathens  are  strong  in  might.  They  have  formed 
an  alliance  with  seven  other  Nations,  are  well  provided  with 
guns,  powder  and  lead,  which  they  purchased  for  beaver 
from  the  private  traders  who  have  had  for  a  long  time  free 
range  here  ;  the  rest  they  take  from  our  fellow-countrymen, 
whom  they  murder.  In  fine,  we  experience  the  greatest 
misery,  which  must  astonish  a  Christian  heart  to  see  or  to 

The  case  of  the  settlers  under  the  shadow 

ifort  Hm5terC)am 


of  the  fort,  and  of  the  fugitives  who  crouched 
within  its  feeble  shelter,  was  pitiable  indeed. 
The  wonder  is  that  the  fort  and  its  garrison 
survived  at  all  ;  but  the  colonists  struggled  on 
under  difficulties  and  discouragements,  as 
their  countrymen  have  had  a  way  of  doing 
the  world  over  ;  and,  at  last,  in  the  summer 
of  1645,  a  general  peace  was  declared  between 
the  colonists  and  the  natives.  After  four  years 
of  warfare,  the  settlers  breathed  again.  Men 
went  out  into  the  fields  by  day  in  quiet  and 
slept  at  night  without  dream  of  war-whoops 
or  fire-brands.  The  coming  of  peace,  how- 
ever, did  not  diminish  the  importance  of  the 
fort.  It  still  continued  the  cor  cordmm  of 
New  Netherland.  The  weightiest  communi- 
cations addressed  to  Their  High  Mightinesses, 
the  States-General,  were  dated  from  the  fort 
and  here  counsel  was  taken  on  things  spirit- 
ual and  temporal,  peaceful  and  warlike.  Here, 
too,  punishments  were  meted  out,  and  the 
punishments  of  our  ancestors  were  formidable 

The  Dutch  archives  contain  accounts  of 
the  discipline  of  a  female,  who  was  found 
guilty  of  slandering  the  Reverend  Everardus 
Bogardus,  Pastor  of  the  church  within  the 
fort.  It  was  decreed  that  the  "said  female" 
should  be  obliged  to  appear  at  the  sound  of 
the  bell  before  the  Governor  and  Council  in 
the  fort,  and  there  solemnly  to  declare  that 





jfort  amsterOam 



she  knew  the  dominie  to  be  honest  and  pious, 
and  that  she  had  "lied  falsely."  Sterner  pun- 
ishments awaited  evil  doers  of  the  male  sex. 
Jan  Hobbes,  for  theft,  was  put  to  the  torture 
and  two  soldiers  found  guilty  of  blasphemy 
were  condemned  to  ride  the  wooden  horse, 
an  animal  more  awful  than  that  within  the 
Trojan  walls.  It  stood  under  the  shadow  of 
the  fort,  and  on  its  razor-back  the  criminal 
was  seated,  with  iron  stirrups  and  leaden 
weights  attached  to  his  unlucky  legs. 

Kieft,  who  in  spite  of  his  shortcomings  was 
a  rigid  disciplinarian,  achieved  order,  where 
anarchy  had  formerly  reigned  among  the  gar- 
rison at  the  fort.  He  laid  down  a  strict  code 
of  laws  and  penalties,  applying  especially  to 
those  on  guard.     This  code  reads  : 

"  Section  I  :  Whosoever  abuses  the  name  of  God  when 
on  guard  shall  pay  a  fine  for  the  first  offence  of  ten  stivers  ; 
for  the  second,  twenty  stivers  ;  for  the  third,  thirty  stivers. 

"Section  II:  He,  who  speaks  scandal  of  a  comrade 
during  the  time  he  is  on  guard,  shall  pay  thirty  stivers. 

"  Section  III  :  He,  who  arrives  tipsy  or  intoxicated  for 
duty,  shall  pay  twenty  stivers. 

"Section  IV  :  He,  who  neglects  to  be  present  without 
sufficient  cause,  fifty  stivers. 

"  Lastly,  He  who,  when  the  duty  on  guard  is  well  per- 
formed, and  the  sun  is  risen  and  reveille  beat,  fires  a  musket 
without  his  corporal's  orders,  shall  pay  one  guilder." 

This  code  of  military  law  was  read  aloud 
by  a  corporal  every  time  the  soldiers  went  on 
guard,  that  none  might  plead  ignorance  as  an 

ifort  BmsterOam 


excuse  for  failure  in  obedience.  Besides  this 
reading  of  the  code,  the  corporal's  daily  task 
was  the  superintendence  of  the  cleaning  and 
charging  of  muskets,  the  examination  of 
cartridge-boxes,  and,  most  difficult  of  all,  the 
prevention  of  the  smuggling  of  liquor  into  the 
fort.  The  many  records  of  drunken  frays 
among  the  soldiers  bear  witness  that  this  part 
of  the  corporal's  duty  was  sometimes  slighted, 
or  else  that  the  soldiers  had  opportunities  of 
securing  liquor  when  they  were  off  duty. 

"William  the  Testy,"  with  his  sharp  gray 
eyes  and  his  round,  red  face  was  always  on 
the  watch  for  offenders,  and  woe  to  the 
laggard  coming  sleepily  to  his  post  after  re- 
veille had  called  to  duty  at  daybreak,  or  to  him 
who  loitered  with  his  sweetheart  by  the  shore 
when  tattoo  had  sounded  at  nine  o'clock  in 
the  evening  ! 

About  the  time  of  the  closing  of  the  Indian 
war,  the  colonists  received  a  document  from 
the  Assembly  of  the  XIX.  or  Governing  Board 
of  the  West  India  Company  containing 
valuable  advice,  which  like  much  good  advice 
came  rather  late.  The  letter  recommended 
that  colonists  should  be  compelled  to  settle  near 
each  other  in  towns  and  villages  in  order  to  be 
able  to  give  mutual  assistance  in  time  of 
danger  ;  and  it  further  advised  the  repairing  of 
Fort  Amsterdam,  which  was  now  in  such  a 
state  of  utter  ruin  and  collapse,  that  men  went 



ffort  Hmster^am 

to  If ort 



in  and  out  over  the  wall  instead  of  through  the 
gate.  This  repairing  was  ordered  to  be  done 
with  stone,  and  the  expense  was  estimated  at 
a  sum  between  twenty  and  twenty-five  thou- 
sand guilders.  In  addition  to  the  masonry,  the 
earthworks  were  to  be  restored  with  "good 
clay  and  firm  sods  "  and  the  soldiers  were  to 
be  employed  as  laborers  to  reduce  the  cost. 

A  list  of  the  officers,  employees  and  garrison 
to  be  engaged,  together  with  their  salaries  is 
annexed,  and  includes, 

I  Director, 

3000  fl 

I  Clergyman, 

1440  " 

I  Constable,  (g 


240  " 

I  Schoolmaster 

and  Sexton, 

360  " 

I   Provost, 

180  " 

I  Corporal  to   i 

ict  as 


180  " 

I  Commander, 

720  " 

I  Ensign, 

540  " 

2  Sergeants, 

600  " 

2  Corporals, 

432  " 

1   Drummer, 

156  " 

4  Cadets, 

720  " 

40  Soldiers, 

6240  " 

I  Surgeon, 

300  " 

I  Skipper, 

300  " 

4  Sailors, 

624  " 

I   Boy, 

108  " 

A  florin  was  equivalent  to  about  forty  cents. 
This  number  of  florins  therefore  represented 

jfort  Bmster^am 


less  than  half  the  same  number  of  dollars,  so 
that  the  pay  of  a  common  soldier  in  the  Fort 
Amsterdam  garrison  was  about  fifty  dollars 
yearly,  while  the  Director  himself  received 
between  twelve  and  fifteen  hundred.  Even 
at  these  moderate  wages,  the  West  India 
Company  was  losing  money  on  its  venture, 
and  its  books  show  that  the  colony  of  New 
Netherland  had  cost  the  Company  more  than 
half  a  million  guilders,  over  and  above  returns, 
during  the  years  from  1626  to  1644  inclusive. 
As  Kieft  and  his  mismanagement  were  re- 
sponsible for  much  of  the  loss  it  is  not  surpris- 
ing that  his  recall  was  agreed  upon  by  the 
Assembly  in  old  Amsterdam,  greatly  to  the 
delight  of  the  settlers  in  New  Amsterdam, 
by  whom  he  was  thoroughly  detested. 

The  newly  appointed  Director,  Petrus 
Stuyvesant,  came  over  heralded  by  the  fame 
of  his  statesmanship  and  military  powers. 
He  had  been  Governor  of  Curasao,  and  the  loss 
of  his  leg  at  the  siege  of  St.  Martins  (then 
occupied  by  the  Portuguese)  had  established 
his  claim  to  doughty  soldiership.  Now,  surely, 
the  seaport  fortress  of  New  Netherland  might 
look  for  better  days.  This  old  soldier  would 
see  to  it  at  once  that  its  defences  were  put  in 
order  and  its  guns  made  ready  to  belch  de- 
fiance at  the  foe. 

No  wonder  that  there  was  much  rejoicing 
throughout  the  little  Dutch  town  on  the  point 




Ifort  BmsterDam 



of  Manhattan  Island,  on  that  May  morning  in 
1647,  when  the  news  spread  abroad  that  the 
fleet  bearing  the  new  governor,  Director  Stuy- 
vesant,  his  lady  and  their  suite,  had  cast 
anchor  in  the  bay.  The  inhabitants  in  their 
best  attire  thronged  to  the  shore  below  the 
fort,  and  the  fort  itself  brave  in  banners 
opened  salute  from  all  its  great  guns  at  once. 
The  four  ships  in  the  harbor  responded  with 
similar  salutes,  and  afterward  Stuyvesant  came 
ashore  amid  much  waving  of  flags  and  a 
tumultuous  greeting  from  the  people. 

This  was  a  gala  day  long  remembered, 
but  by  no  means  the  only  one  in  the  history 
of  the  fort,  which  was  the  scene  of  most  of 
the  merrymaking  as  well  as  most  of  the 
solemn  ceremonials  of  the  colony.  On  Nieiiw 
Jaar  and  Kerstydt  (Christmas)  the  Governor's 
house  was  ablaze  with  candles  and  the  young 
men  and  maidens  danced  in  the  "entry."  On 
Paas  (Easter),  the  villagers  collected  in  the 
stone  church  at  the  summons  of  those  Porto 
Rico  bells,  whose  chimes  were  rung  by  a 
"klink"  or  bell-ringer,*^who  lodged  under  the 
belfry  in  the  fort,  and  over  the  door  of  whose 
chamber  was  carved  a  quaint  inscription 
dedicating  "the  holy  cell"  to  the  Son  of 

Of  all  the  festivals  which  were  held  in  the 
old  fort  none  was  gayer  or  more  memorable 
than  that  celebrated   one   day   in   February, 

Ifort  Bmster&ant 


1653,  when  the  village  of  New  Amsterdam 
became  the  City  of  New  Amsterdam.  On  this 
day,  the  city  fathers  marched  to  the  kerck  in 
the  fort  in  solemn  procession,  preceded  by  the 
bell-ringer  bearing  cushions  of  state  for  the 
pews  of  the  dignitaries.  At  their  head  strode 
Peter  Stuyvesant  the  stout-hearted  hero  de- 
scribed by  Irving,  with  his  regimental  coat 
decorated  with  brass  buttons  from  chin  to 
waistband,  the  skirts  turned  up  at  the  corners, 
and  separating  at  the  back  to  display  the 
seat  of  a  sumptuous  pair  of  brimstone-color 
breeches  ;  his  hair  standing  out  on  each  side 
stiff  with  pomatum,  his  wooden  leg  set  boldly 
in  advance,  one  hand  firmly  grasping  his  gold- 
headed  cane,  the  other  holding  the  hilt  of  his 
doughty  sword.  ■ 

All  these  festivals  and  merrymakings  were 
very  pleasant,  no  doubt,  and  perhaps  served 
their  purpose  in  easing  the  strained  relations  be- 
tween the  citizens  of  New  Amsterdam  and  the 
West  India  Company,  with  which  they  were 
continually  at  odds  ;  but  they  did  little  toward 
solving  the  problems  of  defence  from  hostile 
attack  which  perpetually  stared  the  settlers  in 
the  face.  The  relations  with  the  neighboring 
settlers,  the  Swedes  on  one  side  and  the  Eng- 
lish on  the  other,  were  so  uncertain  that  in  a 
petition  to  the  States-General,  the  first  appli- 
cation for  a  municipal  charter,  the  burghers 
humbly  beseech  Their  High  Mightinesses 

mew  Hms 

a  Cits 



dfort  Hmster^am 


of  StuB= 


"to  be  pleased  to  determine  and  so  to  establish  and  order 
the  Boundaries  of  this  Province,  that  all  causes  of  difference, 
disunion,  and  trouble  may  be  cut  off  and  prevented  ;  that 
Their  High  Mightinesses'  subjects  may  live  and  dwell  in 
peace  and  quietness,  and  enjoy  their  liberty  as  well  in  trade 
and  commerce  as  in  intercourse  and  settled  limits.  (2d.)  That 
Their  High  Mightinesses  would  be  pleased  to  preserve  us  in 
peace  with  the  neighboring  Republics,  Colonies,  and  others. 
Their  High  Mightinesses'  allies." 

This  mild  request  to  be  kept  in  prosperity 
and  at  peace  with  all  the  world  in  these  troub- 
lous times  was  far  from  being  fulfilled.  Not 
only  did  the  neighbors  continue  to  snarl  at  each 
others  heels  over  questions  of  boundary,  etc., 
but  the  Governor  himself,  to  whose  coming 
the  New  Netherlanders  had  looked  forward 
with  such  delight,  had  grown  wellnigh  as 
unpopular  as  his  predecessor  in  the  eyes  of 
the  colonists.  He  early  displayed  the  arbitra- 
riness of  his  disposition,  when  in  one  of  the 
first  contests  with  the  burghers  over  some 
injustice  of  Kieft's  he  exclaimed,  "These 
boorish  brutes  would  hereafter  endeavor  to 
knock  me  over  also  ;  but  1  shall  now  manage 
it  so  that  they  will  have  their  bellies  full  in  all 
time  to  come." 

On  another  occasion  when  Cornells  Melyn 
pleaded  for  grace  till  the  result  of  his  appeal 
to  the  court  over-seas  could  be  heard,  the 
Director  sternly  replied,  "Had  I  known, 
Melyn,    that  you   would   have  divulged   our 

jfort  Hmster^am 



sentence,  or  brought  it  before  Their  High 
Mightinesses,  I  should  have  had  you  hanged 
forthwith  on  the  highest  tree  in  New  Nether- 

The  irascible  old  Governor  afterward  made 
his  censure  still  more  general,  and  announced 
that  as  it  had  come  to  his  knowledge  that 
some  people  were  thinking  of  appealing  from 
his  judgments,  he  wished  it  understood  that 
should  any  one  attempt  such  a  piece  of  in- 
subordination, "  I  would  have  him  made  a 
foot  shorter,  pack  the  pieces  off  to  Holland 
and  let  him  appeal  in  that  way." 

Director  Stuyvesant  did  not  know  the  men 
with  whom  he  had  to  deal,  if  he  thought  to 
frighten  them  into  subserviency.  Adriaen  van 
der  Donck  and  his  fellows  fought  stubbornly 
for  their  rights  and  privileges  and  especially 
against  unjust  taxation.  They  declared  they 
would  not  be  unequally  taxed  for  the  support 
of  the  government  and  the  strengthening  of 
defences,  and  refused  the  amounts  demanded, 
unless  the  Governor  would  supply  a  fair 
amount  from  the  revenues  derived  from  ex- 
cise, etc. 

The  result  of  all  these  petty  bickerings  was 
of  course  most  disastrously  felt  in  the  condi- 
tion of  the  fort.  Times  continued  hard,  the 
Company  niggardly,  the  Governor  tyrannical, 
and  the  burghers  recalcitrant.  In  March,  1653, 
the  Director  sent  the  following  appealing  letter 


Ifort  HmsterDam 

eant's  %et= 

tcr  to 






to  the  burgomasters  and  schepens  of  the  little 
town  : 

"  Honorable,  Dear  and  Distinguished  [Friends]: 
"  We  see  with  great  grief  the  damages  done  to  the  walls 
of  the  fort  by  hogs,  especially  now  again  in  the  spring,  when 
the  grass  comes  out.  We  made  an  order  concerning  it  last 
year  at  the  request  of  the  Select  Men,  who  promised  properly 
to  fence  in  the  fort  and  to  keep  the  hogs  meanwhile  from 
the  walls.  But  seeing,  after  the  lapse  of  a  year,  that  nothing 
or  at  least  only  little  has  been  done  and  that  what  has  been 
done  at  the  fort  has  again  been  destroyed  by  the  pigs,  as 
may  daily  be  learned,  we  are  compelled  to  enter  a  protest 
about  the  non-fulfilment  of  the  promise,  being  told  that  the 
failure  of  it,  the  destruction  of  the  walls  and  all  our  works, 
is  caused  by  the  Select  Men  having  been  superseded  and 
their  authority  and  duties  transferred  to  Burgomasters  and 
Schepens,  who  had  accepted  to  do  the  work.  How  this  is, 
we  do  not  know,  but  we  see,  to  our  trouble  and  shame,  the 
pigs  daily  on  the  walls,  busy  with  their  destruction.  There- 
fore we  request  Burgomasters  and  Schepens  to  give  an  order 
in  accordance  with  the  beforementioned  promise  and  pre- 
vent the  pigs.  Else  we  shall  be  compelled  to  carry  out  our 
former  order.  Relying  thereon  we  remain.  Honorable,  Dear, 
'  Distinguished  [Friends], 

'*  Your  well-meaning  friend, 

"  P.  Stuyvesant." 

"  The  Burgomasters  and  Schepens  decided,  upon  the  letter 
of  the  Director-General,  provisionally  to  engage  a  herdsman 
and  in  the  meantime  to  make  the  fence  as  quickly  as  pos- 
sible, the  Director-General  having  promised  to  furnish  the 
posts.     Done,  etc.,  this^ist  of  March,  1653. 

(Signed)  "  Arent  van  Hattem, 

WiLH.  Beeckman, 
Allard  Antoky." 

3fort  BmsterDam 


It  would  appear  that  the  herdsman  did  not 
understand  his  business  very  well,  or  else  that 
there  were  more  hogs  than  people  in  New 
Amsterdam,  for  the  records  five  months  later 
harp  on  the  same  old  complaint  from  the 
Governor  : 


tbe  iFort 


"  Respected  and  Very  Dear: 

"We  cannot,  consistently  with  duty,  omit  calling  your 
Worships'  attention  to  the  injurious  and  intolerable  destruc- 
tion, which  we,  to  our  great  dissatisfaction,  daily  behold 
the  hogs  committing  on  the  newly  finished  works  of  the 
fort,  whence  the  ruin  thereof  will  certainly  ensue. 

"  And  whereas  Burgomasters  and  Schepens,  in  violation 
of  their  solemn  promises  made  both  in  writing  and  orally, 
will  not  lend  a  hand  to  repairing  and  strengthening  the 
same,  we  can  certainly  expect  they  will  adopt  measures  and 
take  care,  that  what  we  with  great  pains  and  labor  have 
brought  so  far  will  not  again  be  destroyed  by  hogs,  and 
thus  all  our  labor  be  rendered  useless,  it  being  certainly  the 
practice  in  no  place  to  permit  cattle  to  run  at  large  to  the 
injury  and  damage  both  of  individuals  and  the  public. 
Without  more  remonstrance  then,  in  case  this  matter  is  not 
speedily  and  promptly  attended  to  by  your  Worships,  we 
hereby  protest,  that  necessity  compels  us  to  provide  therein 
by  the  following  Ordinance  and  Placard,  whereof  we  by 
these  presents,  do  first  notify  the  Burgomasters  and  Schepens, 
and  clear  ourselves  of  all  damage  and  injury  that  may  follow 
therefrom.  Done  at  Fort  Amsterdam  in  New  Netherland 
the  1 2th  August,  1653. 

(Signed)  "  P.  Stuyvesant." 

"  City  Hall,  Tuesday,  the  12  August,  1653,  4  o'clock  in 
the  afternoon.  Present. — Arent  Van  Hattem,  Marten 
Krigier,  Poulus  Leendersen,  and  M.  Van  Gheel. 


3fort  HmsterDam 

tibectinQ  of 



"  Having  taken  into  consideration  the  foregoing  Remon- 
strance of  tile  Honble  General,  the  same  is  postponed  until 
the  arrival  of  the  other  Schepens,  who  are  absent. 

"  Wednesday  afternoon  Burgomasters  and  Schepens  again 
met  except  Pieter  Couwenhoven.  Adjourned  to  8  o'clock 

"  Burgomasters  and  Schepens  of  this  City  New  Amster- 
dam assembled  together. 

"  Having  seen  the  R&monstrance  of  the  Honble  General 
and  his  complaint  concerning  the  damage  the  hogs  are 
daily  doing  to  the  fort  and  the  newly  erected  works,  the 
Burgomasters  and  Schepens  do  therefore  order  their  Court 
messenger  to  notify  the  Burghers  that  every  one  of  them 
shall  take  care  of  his  hogs  or  keep  them  in  the  sty  until  the 
fort  and  recently  constructed  works  have  been  fenced  in 
with  palisades  to  preserve  said  works  from  damage,  or  in 
default  thereof,  such  persons  shall  be  held  responsible  for  the 
damage  and  injury.  Thus  done  and  enacted  this  14  August 
A°  165'?,  New  Amsterdam.  (Signed)  Arent  Van  Hattem, 
1653,  Martin  Krigier,  Pouls  L.  Van  die  Grift,  Wilh:  Beeck- 
man,  Pieter  Wolfersen,  Maximilianus  Van  Gheel." 

The  flurry  of  the  threatened  English  invasion 
in  1653  brought  about  some  improvement  in 
the  condition  of  the  fort,  as  well  as  in  the  de- 
fences to  the  northward  along  the  Singel  :  but 
the  zeal  for  fortifying  died  out  with  the  alarm 
and  was  finally  buried  when  on  July  18,  1654, 
amid  much  bell-ringing  and  public  rejoicing,  a 
proclamation  was  affixed  to  the  wall  of  the 
Stadt-Huys  announcing  that  a  compact  of 
"  Peace,  Union,  and  Confederation  "  had  been 
made  and  concluded  at  Westminster  between 
the  commissioners  of  the  Lord  Protector  and 
the  ambassadors  of  the  Lords  States-General. 

jfort  Hm6terC)am 


For  ten  years  longer  the  old  fort  mouldered 
peacefully  away,  as  tranquil  in  its  decay  as 
though  it  had  received  a  certified  discharge 
from  active  duty.  But  at  length,  in  the  early 
summer  of  1664,  startling  rumors  began  to  fly 
about  of  a  threatened  invasion,  which  might 
drive  the  hogs  off  the  earthworks  once  more 
and  set  the  rusty  guns  to  a  trial  of  their 
strength.  Stuyvesant's  troublous  rule,  after 
a  duration  of  seventeen  years,  was  about  to 
be  brought  to  a  violent,  if  not  untimely  end 
at  last.  Shortly  after  the  Restoration  of 
Charles  II.,  that  monarch  by  a  royal  charter 
("the  most  despotic  instrument  recorded  in 
the  colonial  archives  of  England  ")  conveyed 
to  his  brother,  the  Duke  of  York,  a  vast  tract 
of  American  land,  including  on  the  east  the 
country  between  the  Saint  Croix  and  the 
Pemaquid,  and  on  the  west  the  tract  between 
the  Connecticut  and  the  Delaware  rivers  with 
all  adjacent  islands,  thus  completely  oblit- 
erating the  Dutch  ownership  of  New  Nether- 

Without  warning  to  the  Dutch  of  ap- 
proaching hostilities  the  Duke  despatched  four 
vessels,  the  Guinea,  the  Elias,  the  Martin, 
and  the  William  and  Nicholas.  These  ships 
bore  five  hundred  soldiers  and  had  also  on 
board  Richard  Nicolls,  who  was  to  be  Deputy- 
Governor  of  the  conquered  province,  Sir 
George  Cartwright,  Robert  Carr  and  Samuel 


of  TKOiac 



jfort  Bmster^am 


Jflect  Sent 

to  IRcw 




Maverick.  These  commissioners  were  ordered 
to  take  possession  of  New  Netherland  and  es- 
tablish an  English  settlement  to  be  known  as 
New  York.  Rumors  of  the  proposed  on- 
slaught reached  New  Netherland  from  Boston, 
where  the  English  squadron  had  put  in  for 
further  reinforcement  ;  but  the  suddenness  of 
the  attack  gave  little  time  for  preparation  of 
defence,  and  the  Governor  himself  came  flying 
back  post  haste  from  Fort  Orange,'  whither  he 
had  been  called  by  some  disturbance  among 
the  Indians. 

On  the  28th  of  August,  1664,  the  English 
fleet  came  to  an  anchor  in  Gravesend  Bay, 
and  the  garrison  at  Fort  Amsterdam  knew 
that  the  struggle  was  at  hand  and  that  sure 
defeat  awaited  them.  Stuyvesant's  position 
was  a  most  difficult  one.  The  inhabitants  of 
the  town  had  no  spirit  for  resistance,  the  fort 
was  in  no  state  of  readiness  for  a  siege,  the 
hostile  vessels  were  already  preparing  to  open 
fire  ;  but  still  he  strove  to  parley.  On  Sep- 
tember 3d,  a  deputation  was  sent  to  Nicolls, 
the  English  commander,  but  he  refused  dis- 

"When  may  we  visit  you  again?"  the 
deputation  asked. 

"On  Thursday,"  answered  Nicolls,  "for 
to-morrow  I  will  speak  with  you  at  Manhat- 

*  Albany. 

jfort  HmsterOam 


"Friends  are  welcome  there,"  answered 
the  Dutchman  diplomatically. 

"Raise  the  white  flag  of  peace,"  answered 
Nicolls,  "for  I  shall  come  with  ships  of  war 
and  soldiers." 

While  these  negotiations  were  proceeding 
the  burghers  of  New  Amsterdam  were  con- 
stantly sending  remonstrances  to  Stuyvesant 
and  his  advisers  demanding  a  surrender. 
These  remonstrances  set  forth  the  weakness 
of  their  situation  : 

"We  shall  now  examine,"  they  said,  "your  Honors' 
fortress.  You  know  in  your  own  consciences  that  it  is  in- 
capable of  making  head  against  so  powerful  an  enemy. 
Granting  even  that  it  could  hold  out  against  its  assailant, 
one,  two,  three,  five,  or  six  months  (which  to  our  sorrow  it 
cannot)  it  is  still  undeniable  that  it  cannot  save  the  smallest 
portion  of  our  entire  city,  our  property,  and,  what  is  dearer 
to  us,  our  wives  and  children  from  total  ruin  ;  for  after  con- 
siderable bloodshed  even  the  fort  itself  could  not  be  preserved. 
Wherefore,  to  prevent  and  arrest  all  the  aforesaid  misfortune, 
we  humbly  and  in  bitterness  of  heart,  implore  your  Honors 
not  to  reject  the  conditions  of  so  generous  a  foe,  but  to  be 
pleased  to  meet  him  in  the  speediest,  best,  and  most  repu- 
table manner." 

Stuyvesant  himself,  in  the  letter  which  he 
afterwards  sent  home  to  the  West  India  Com- 
pany excusing  his  surrender,  enlarged  still 
further  upon  the  hopelessness  of  defence. 

"  The  fort,"  he  wrote,  "  is  situated  in  an  untenable  place 
where  it  was  located  on  the  first  discovery  of  New  Nether- 
land  for  the  purpose  of  resisting  any  attack  of  barbarians 
rather  than  an  assault  of  European  arms.     Having  within 


tiona  witb 




jfort  amstert)am 

of  tbe 

pistol-shot  on  north  and  northeasterly  sides  higher  ground 
than  that  on  which  it  stands,  so  that,  notwithstanding  the 
walls  and  works  are  raised  the  highest  on  that  side,  people 
standing  and  walking  on  that  high  ground  can  see  the  soles 
of  the  feet  of  those  on  the  esplanade  and  bastions  of  the  fort, 
where  the  view  is  not  obstructed  by  the  houses  and  church 
in  it,  and  by  the  gabions  on  the  wall. 

"  Secondly,  the  fort  was  and  is  encompassed  only  by  a 
slight  wall,  two  or  three  feet  thick  backed  by  coarse  gravel, 
not  above  eight,  nine,  or  ten  feet  high  in  some  places,  in 
others  higher  according  to  the  fall  of  the  ground. 

"  Thirdly,  it  is  for  the  most  part  crowded  all  round-about 
with  buildings  better  adapted  for  a  cidatel  than  for  defence 
against  an  open  enemy.  The  houses  are  in  many  places 
higher  than  the  wall  and  bastions,  and  render  these  wholly 
exposed.  Most  of  the  houses  also  have  cellars  not  eight  rods 
distant  from  the  walls  of  the  fort  ;  in  some  places,  not  two 
or  three,  and  at  one  point  scarce  a  rod  from  the  wall,  so  that 
whoever  is  master  of  the  city  can  readily  approach  with 
scaling  ladders  from  the  aforesaid  houses  the  walls  of  the  fort, 
which  is  unprovided  with  either  wet  or  dry  ditch  ;  and  also 
if  need  be  run  a  mine  from  the  so  close  adjoining  cellars  and 
blow  the  place  up.  Besides  this,  the  fort  was  and  is  without 
either  well  or  cistern." 

The  struggle  was  clearly  hopeless  and  at 
last  the  old  hero  consented  to  the  surrender. 
By  the  articles  of  capitulation  Stuyvesant  and 
his  comrades  were  permitted  to  march  out 
carrying  arms,  with  drums  beating,  colors 
flying  and  matches  lighted.  On  the  vlag-spU 
in  the  corner  of  the  fort,  the  English  banner 
was  raised,  the  name  of  the  fort  changed  to 
Fort  James  and  the  bloodless  victory  accom- 

3f ort  amstetC)am 


The  treaty  of  Breda,  signed  in  July,  1667, 
confirmed  England's  possession  of  New  Am- 
sterdam. For  nine  years  English  rule  pre- 
vailed in  the  colony,  and  English  officers 
sunned  their  red  coats  on  the  bastions  of  the 
fort  ;  but,  before  yielding  the  supremacy,  the 
Dutch  made  one  more  gallant  struggle  crowned 
by  temporary  success.  In  the  spring  of  1673, 
Holland  and  England  being  then  again  at  war, 
the  States-General  despatched  a  fleet  of  five 
vessels  under  command  of  Commodores  Cor- 
nelis  Evertsen,  Jr.  and  Jacob  Benckes,  Captains 
Antonio  Colve,  Nicholaes  Boes  and  Abram 
Van  Zyll.  At  the  end  of  July,  this  fleet  ap- 
peared in  the  bay,  and  their  commander  sent 
an  abrupt  summons  to  Deputy-Governor 
Manning,  then  in  control  of  the  fort,  calling 
for  immediate  surrender.  Manning,  who  was 
in  control  in  the  absence  of  Governor  Love- 
lace, the  successor  of  Nicolls,  strove  to  delay 
the  issue  by  parley,  but  the  Dutch  would  not 
be  put  off,  and  really  in  the  condition  of  the 
fort,  which  was  as  usual  in  a  chronic  state  of 
disrepair,  platforms  and  gun-carriages  out  of 
order,  only  four  gun-sponges  and  but  seventy 
or  eighty  gunners  with  neither  spade  nor 
handspike  nor  other  implement  of  defence,  it 
is  hard  to  see  what  course  but  surrender  was 
open  to  him,  unless  he  was  willing  to  see 
all  the  thatched  roofs  of  the  town  go  up  in 
flame  as  soon  as  the  enemy  opened  fire.    The 

UteatB  of 


jfort  Hmster&am 

Httacf!  of 

tbc  Sutcb 


surrender,  however,  was  bitterly  resented  by 
the  authorities  in  England,  and  a  series  of 
charges  was  brought  against  "John  Man- 
ning, Commander-in-Chiefe  of  James  Forte." 
These  charges  set  forth  that  on  or  about  the 
28th  day  of  July,  1673,  "  he  having  notice  of 
an  enemy's  fleet  coming  into  the  bay,"  did 
not  endeavor  as  he  might  to  put  the  garrison 
into  a  state  of  defence.  That  on  the  30th 
of  July  "he  suffered  the  said  enemyes  with 
their  Fleet  to  come  and  moare  their  ships 
under  the  fort."  That  he  permitted  boats  to 
come  ashore  "  loaden  with  men,"  and,  worst 
of  all,  "that  Hee  strooke  his  Majestie's  Flag 
before  the  ennemy  that  had  landed,  were  in 
sight  of  the  fort."  There  was  so  much  swear- 
ing and  counter-swearing  in  the  course  of  this 
trial  that  it  is  difficult  now,  after  the  lapse  of 
more  than  two  centuries,  to  form  any  judg- 
ment of  the  rights  of  the  controversy  ;  but  it 
is  evident  that  poor  Manning  made  a  con- 
venient scapegoat  and,  though  he  prayed  on 
"the  bended  knees  of  his  harte  "  that  his  ex- 
cuses might  be  "pondred,"  he  was  found 
guilty  of  cowardice,  and  his  sword  broken 
over  his  head  in  symbol  of  his  disqualification 
for  office. 

But  the  punishment  of  Manning  did  not  help 
the  British  to  recover  New  Amsterdam.  The 
fort  was  taken,  and  though  Manning  strove  to 
make  terms  stipulating  that  "all  officers  and 

ifort  Hmster^am  271 

souldiers  of  ffort  James  should  march  out  with       nutcb 
amies,   Drumes  beating,  cullers  flying,   Bagg      ^^anT 
and  Baggage  without  Hindrance  or  Molesta-        ie73 
con,"  yet  the  agreement  was  not  kept  ;   for 
Manning  declared  bitterly  afterward  that  Col. 
Calvert  "  ingaged,  his   hand   on  his   Brest," 
that  upon  "ye  word  and  Honor  of  a  Gentle- 
man, they  should  be  Puncktually  P'formed  ; 
but  p'fidiously  breaking    his    faith  and   his 

The  Dutch  were  triumphant.  On  the  sur- 
render of  Manning,  the  commander  of  the  Dutch 
fleet  took  possession  of  the  town  and  the  fort. 
Down  came  the  English  flag  once  more,  and 
up  went  the  ensign  of  Holland.  The  name 
of  New  York  was  changed  to  New  Orange, 
and  Fort  James  became  Fort  "  Willem  Hen- 
rik."  Antony  Colve,  one  of  the  commanders 
of  the  fleet,  was  made  Governor  of  the  colony 
and  commander-in-chief  at  the  fort. 

During  his  rule  the  town  was  practically 
under  martial  law.  At  sunset  each  night,  the 
guard  at  the  fort,  called  the  hoofd  wagt,  de- 
livered over  the  keys  of  the  city  to  the  Mayor, 
who  proceeded  to  lock  the  gates  and  place  the 
burger  wagt,  or  citizen  guard,  on  night  watch. 
In  the  morning  at  sunrise  this  guard  was  re- 
lieved, and  the  Mayor  again  made  the  rounds 
of  the  city,  unlocking  gates.'     Mrs.  Sigourney, 

'  Instructions  to  Jacobus  Van  Der  Water,  as  Mayor  of  New 
Orange,  done  at  Fort  Willem  Henrik  1 2  January,  1 674.  "  The 


ifort  Hmster&am 


in  a  poem  commemorating  this  time  and  cus- 
tom, writes: 

"  Hail  mighty  city! — high  must  be  his  fame 
Who  round  thy  bounds  at  sunrise  now  should  walk. 
Still  art  thou  lovely  what  so  e'er  thy  name, 
New  Amsterdam,  New  Orange  or  New  York." 

The  condition  of  the  fort  at  the  end  of  the 
second  Dutch  occupation  was  described  by  a 
traveller  who  visited  it  soon  after  it  had  passed 
into  English  hands.     He  says  : 

"  It  is  not  large.  It  has  four  points  or  batteries.  It  has 
no  moat  outside,  but  is  enclosed  with  a  double  row  of 
palisades.  It  is  built  on  the  foundation  with  quarry  stone. 
The  parapet  is  of  earth.  It  is  well  provided  with  cannon 
for  the  most  part  of  iron,  though  there  were  some  small  brass 
pieces  all  bearing  the  mark  or  arms  of  the  Netherlanders. 
The  garrison  is  small.  There  is  a  well  of  fine  water  dug  in 
the  fort  by  the  English,  contrary  to  the  opinion  of  the 
Dutch,  who  supposed  the  fort  was  built  upon  rock,  and 
had  therefore  never  attempted  any  such  thing.  There  is  in- 
deed some  indication  of  stone  there,  for  along  the  edge  of 
the  water  below  the  fort  there  is  a  very  large  rock  extend- 
ing apparently  under  the  fort.     It  has  only  one  gate,  and 

Mayor  shall  take  good  care  that  in  the  morning  the  gates 
are  opened  at  sunrise  and  locked  again  in  the  evening 
with  sunset,  for  which  purpose  he  shall  go  to  the  principal 
guard  and  there  address  himself  to  the  commanding  officer 
and  demand  to  conduct  him  thither  at  least  a  sergeant  with 
six  soldiers  all  armed  with  guns.  With  these  he  shall  pro- 
ceed to  the  fort  to  fetch  the  keys  and  return  these  again 
there  as  soon  as  the  gates  are  opened  or  shut." 

3fort  Hmstert)ant 


that  is  on  the  land  side,  opening  upon  a  broad  plane  or 
street  called  the  Broadway  or  Beaverway.  Over  this  gate 
are  the  arms  of  the  Duke  of  York.  During  the  time  of  the 
Dutch  there  were  two  gates,  another  on  the  water  side;  but 
the  English  have  closed  it  and  made  a  battery  there." 

In  1674,  New  Orange  was  returned  by 
treaty  to  the  British  and  resumed  permanently 
its  title  of  New  York.  The  fort  also  resumed 
its  name  of  Fort  James,  but  only  for  a  short 
time  ;  since  on  the  accession  of  William  and 
Mary  it  was  rechristened  in  honor  of  the  king, 
and  finally,  when  Anne,  who  married  Prince 
George  of  Denmark,  ascended  the  throne,  it 
received  the  name  of  Fort  George,  and  under 
that  title  it  continued  until  its  final  demolition 
at  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War. 

From  beginning  to  end  of  its  long  life,  this 
strange  fortress  continued  a  picturesque  cum- 
berer  of  the  ground,  useless  in  war,  worse 
than  useless  in  peace  ;  and  when  at  last  it 
succumbed  before  the  march  of  commerce 
there  were  few  to  regret  its  fall. 


again  bcs 

mew  ISort; 


The  authorities  for  this  paper  are  drawn 
chiefly  from  the  Documents  Relating  to  the 
Colonial  History  of  the  State  of  New  York, 
the  Documentary  History  of  New  York, 
O'Callaghan's  History  of  New  Netherland,  the 
accounts  of  their  travels,  written  by  Captain 

2  74  ifort  BmstertJam 

De  Vries,  Father  Jogues  and  others,  and 
the  early  City  Records,  now  in  process  of 
translation  from  the  Dutch,  which  by  the 
courtesy  of  the  translator,  Mr.  Berthold 
Fernow,  I  have  been  enabled  to  see  in  proof 

Municipal  Affairs 

A    Quarterly  Magazine  Devoted  to  the  Consideration  of  City 
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Municipal  Reform  During  the  Past  Year. 

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Ddrnara  €ollcde 



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of  Salem,  Mass.,  a  genealogist  of  experience,  compiler  of  the  "  History  of 
the  Putnam  Family  in  England  and  America,"  "Military  and  Naval 
Annals  of  IJanvers,  Mass.,"  and  various  other  genealogical  works. 

Putnam's  Historical  Magazine 

devoted  to  genealogy,  local  history,  colonial  records,  etc.,  now 
in  its  seventh  year.    $2.00  per  annum.    Sample  copy  10  cents. 
Address  Eben  Putnam,  Box  5,  Danvers,  Mass. 
Genealogical  Researches  conducted  in  England  and  America. 
Ancestral  Charts  may  be  seen  at_G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons,  or  at  Brentano's, 
or  may  be  had  of  Mr.  Putnam.    Price,  $1.50. 

Among  the  subjects  of  the  papers  will  be  the  following : 
Now  ready,  May  31,  1897. 

i.—Zbc  Sta5t  "touBS  of  IRew  BmsterDam. 

By  Alice  Morse  Earle. 
II.— fjing'0  College.     By  John  Pine. 
III.— Bnnetje  ^an'S  ffarni.     By  Ruth  Putnam. 
IV. — TKHall  street.     By  Oswald  Garrison  Villard. 

v.— Governor's  "ffelanD. 

By  Blanche  Wilder  Bellamy. 

VI.— tTbe  fourteen  ^iles  "KounO. 

By  Alfred  Bishop  Mason  and  Mary  Murdoch 
VII.— ^be  CttB  Cbest  of  "fflew  Zlmster&am, 

By  E.  Dana  Durand. 

to    be    followed    BY: 

jFort  BmSterDam.     By  maud  wilder  Goodwin. 

®10  "McllQ  an5  Mater  Courses. 

By  George  E.  Waring,  Jr. 
©15  (BreenwiCb.    By  Elizabeth  Bisland. 

XLhc  JSowerg. 

By  Edward    Ringwood    Hewitt  and    Mary 
Ashley  Hewitt. 

J€^r.-12  19U1 

tcoxA  'iit      ^      4f       ^ 

is  a  twenty-page  monthly  published  by  the 
Hampton  Institute  in  Virginia  in  the  interest 
of  the  two  races  it  represents — the  Negro  and 
the  Indian. 

It  is  a  record  of  the  practical  working  out  of 
the  race  problems,  not  only  at  Hampton  but  at 
Tuskegee  and  other  schools,  and  contains  much 
interesting  matter  from  graduates  in  the  field 
and  from  prominent  students  and  writers 
representing  the  best  thought  of  the  country. 

A  few  pages  are  devoted  each  month  to  the 
local  affairs  of  the  School,  to  letters  from 
Negroes  and  Indians  in  the  South  and  West, 
to  folk-lore,  and  to  reviews  of  books  bearing 
upon  race  problems. 

Subscription,  $i.oo  a  year.  This  may  be 
sent  to 

Rev.  H.  B.  FRISSELL, 

Hampton,  Va. 

The  City  History  Club 
of  New  Yorl^ 

The  City  History  Club  aims  to  awaken  a  general 
interest  in  the  history  and  traditions  of  New  York, 
believing  that  such  interest  is  one  of  the  surest 
guarantees  of  civic  improvement.  Its  work  is  car- 
ried on  through  three  channels  : 

I. — A  Normal  Class 
3. — Popular  Classes 
3. — Public  Lectures 

For  further  information,  conditions  of  member- 
ship, etc.,  address 

Secretary  City  History  Club, 

11  West  50th  Street, 
New  York. 


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"  The  scheme  is  an  admirable  one  and  should  receive  the 
hearty  support  of  all  who  are  dwellers  in  this  great  city." — 
The  Examiner,  N.  Y. 

"It  is  a  pity  that  every  large  community  and  every  historical 
neighborhood  cannot  have  such  a  series  of  authentic  texts 
covering  local  history." — Illustrated  Buffalo  Express. 

"  The  enterprise  is  a  most  laudable  one  and  the  papers  are 
anticipated  with  a  great  deal  of  interest." — Nejv  York  Home 

"A  unique  series  of  papers  on  historic  New  York." — Edu- 
cational Review. 

"We  have  received  the  first  of  the  Half-Moon  papers. 
.  .  .  .  It  is  on  '  The  Stadt-Huys  of  New  Amsterdam,' 
by  Alice  Morse  Earle,  and  if  all  the  succeeding  papers  are  as 
good  the  public  will  be  well  satisfied." — New  York  Tribune. 

"  If  all  the  numbers  of  the  Half-Moon  Series  are  as  inter- 
esting as  -the  sketch  of  '  King's  College,'  it  is  bound  to  be 
successful  as  a  literary  venture  and  will  be  potent  in  furthering 
the  cause  which  it  seeks  to  advance." — Brooklyn  Eagle. 

"  If  every  person  in  the  United  States  who  imagines  that  he 
is  an  heir  to  the  Anneke  Jans-Bogardus  estate  would  invest  a 
nickel  in  the  third  number  of  the  Half-Moon  series  of 
historical  booklets  published  by  Putnam's  Sons,  it  would  not 
only  settle  that  question  of  inheritance  at  once  and  forever, 
but  it  would  insure  an  enormous  circulation  to  one  of  the 
most  valuable  of  historical  studies  of  early  life  on  Manhattan 
Island.  Ruth  Putnam  has  made  a  book  quite  as  interesting 
to  the  general  public  as  to  the  descendants  of  the  fecund 
Anneke  Jans." — Ne'cu  York  World. 

"  How  Wall  Street  began  its  career  in  the  shelter  of  Peter 
Stuyvesant's  barricade  ;  how  it  was  surveyed  and  curbed  and 
diminished  in  its  breadth  by  greedy  land  owners  ;  how  it 
came  to  be  a  dwelling  street,  and  a  political  street,  and  a 
financial  street  ;  .  .  .  how  it  was  dignified  by  the  meet- 
ing of  Congress  and  the  inauguration  of  Washington — all 
these  matters  are  reviewed  in  Mr.  Villard's  pamphlet,  as  well 
as  many  others  that  may  interest  the  curious  reader  just  as 
much." — New  York  Sun. 

"  Mrs.  Bellamy's  History  of  Govej-nor' s  Island  is  evidently 
compiled  with  care,  is  brightly  written,  and  is  a  pamphlet  of 
genuine  value  to  the  historical  student." — Buffalo  Express, 



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